What probably surprised me most about Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken was the realization that this is a game with a philosophy and eloquent things to say about the nature of war... It is a perfectly realized game and one of my personal favorites this year...
Groovy Gamer
Don't let movies like Happy Feet fool you -- penguins are a**holes... Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken is a blast to play...
It’s well-executed and a joy to play; never dull, never too frustrating, never obvious about holding your hand but never noticeably needing to, and with a soundtrack you’ll be singing for weeks without realising it...
Daily Joy Pad
The details to the game’s environments are truly amazing and it definitely raises the bar in some respects to the competition...
Digital Gu
Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to the new king of cool: Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken… Get it, enjoy it, revel in its coolness. You won’t regret it...
Digitally Downloaded
Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken is a solid game with fantastic graphics, a great soundtrack and an even better atmosphere...
Heartcore Gaming
Rocketbirds does everything well: the story is solid, the combat is fairly balanced, the puzzles are never too hard and there is quite a bit of replayability...
Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken is a wonderful blend of old-fashioned platform puzzling and gorgeous modern presentation with tonnes of character..
A Temporary Distraction
If you’re looking for a game to play with a friend then this is guaranteed to give you an afternoon’s worth of entertainment, or even more if you play as budgies that are a harder difficulty...
Pixel Scribes
...a “just-one-more-go” type of experience. In other words, addictive. Furthermore, the beautiful graphics and catchy soundtrack by New World Revolution make this one of the most polished PSN titles available to date...
Alternative Magazine Online
The gory deaths and gun play were surprising but is very well done and juggling an enemy in the air with bullets is pretty enjoyable. Check it out!..
Digital Hippos
This is like if Super Contra met that Angry Birds - and they had a baby. And then, meanwhile, Bionic Commando and Streets of Rage met and had a baby. And by some miracle, those two babies met and had a baby - this would the game that they birthed...
A brilliant 2D action-platform game with great visuals, simplistic gameplay and an amazing soundtrack...
Gamer Spy
Never outstaying its welcome, Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken is a highly enjoyable romp...
Inc Gamers
charming aesthetic and humour truly immerses you. This is a title you shouldn’t let fly by...
Midlife Gamer
In the modern era of 3D gaming, good side-scrolling games can be hard to come by. Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken is one of these few games... fun, amusing and very easy to just sit back and play...
I found the music to be implemented exceptionally well and fell in love with quite a number of tracks throughout the course of the game...it is a very polished game with beautiful visuals, an awesome soundtrack and some great penguin-killing fun...
PSN Stores
The game’s unusual, inexplicable tone, mixed with its vibrant art-style and memorable puzzle design make it something of a surprising tour-de-force. Wonderful pacing and a wide variety of mechanics and settings make Rocketbirds a difficult game to put down...
Push Square
The greatest draw here is the fantastic personality that Ratloop Asia have infused into ever square inch of this experience and especially into the addition of the Half Dirty Dozen...
The Paranoid Gamer
Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken is also built in with solid artwork that truly makes it stand out as a beautiful indie game...
We Got This Covered
a well-presented little barrel of laughs...
The IndieGame Magazine
Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken certainly has an interesting theme, a very good soundtrack, polished visuals and fun gameplay...
Girl Gamers UK
The game is worth the atmosphere alone and when you mix that with a funny, subtle sense of humor and a beautiful visual effect, you have yourself a great game...
New Gamer Nation
Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken is totally outrageous, and its facetious plot and humorous characters act as its strongest points...
The surprisingly intricate story in Hardboiled Chicken sort of creeps up on you, and before you realize it, you find yourself wide-eyed at the next plot twist...
Arizona Computer Guru
well-polished, well-executed title with beautiful visuals, an awesome soundtrack and some great penguin-killing fun – you really haven’t lived till you’ve killed a penguin by juggling it in mid-air with an AK-47!
Blogomatic 3000
bits of brilliance such as taking over enemies with mind mites or jetting around the sky with a rocket strapped to your back shine through...
hysterical and I had many laughs, from the way Rocketbird runs to his Arnold inspired accent. I think this is a great game...
Game Vain
The game itself is a blast and is only made better by its refreshing degree of polish and off-beat tenor. I would recommend RHC to any and all PS3 owners...
PS3 Attitude
Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken is a very solid and fun action-platformer...
Shack News
This is a solid game that shows why indie gaming is bigger than it has ever been...
Static Multimedia